Marvjessy Consulting Limited is a Management Systems Consulting, Training, Engineering and Procurement organization.
It was incorporated in Nigeria with Registration #974756.
The company is affiliated to world recognized companies, management systems certification bodies: BSCIC Dubai, PECB Canada, Institute of Safety Professionals of Nigeria, and Oil & Gas Trainers Association of Nigeria with membership #218/215.
Our mission
Our mission is prioritized and focused on giving quality & professional training, consultation to both public and private sectors operating in the constantly changing Nigeria political, social and economical environment with a view to enhancing their effectiveness, profitability and efficiency.
Our approach is based on four key factors:
Team work: To ensure that the full resources of the company are brought to fully utilization on the client’s need.
Leadership: Applied in all areas of businesses so that the client gets the best of services.
Excellence: In servicing the need of clients, and
Creativity: To add value to the needs of all clients.